Will Kate and Sawyer be an item again on 'Lost'?
NEW YORK – If you thought the tortured tropical romance between Sawyer and Kate was over, you might be surprised by a future episode of "Lost," according to Evangeline Lilly, who stars as Kate on the ABC thriller.
"There is a reunion of sorts" awaiting the pair, says Lilly. Never mind that Kate seems to have escaped that mystical island while Sawyer, the handsome rogue played by Josh Holloway, was staying put.
Lilly calls their future encounter "very laced and complicated and simple." But she's careful not to spill any further details.
"I never know what I can and can't say," she explains.
Now in its fifth season, "Lost" airs Wednesdays.
Inoltre Kristin risponde ad una domanda su Kate e Sawyer:
Jules in Waltham, Mass.: This isn't really a question, just something I'd like to share. The recent spate of Sawyer/Juliet spoilers have all but killed my interest in Lost. If you've got anything positive to share with Sawyer/Kate fans, now's the time, because it's really starting to look like a lost cause.Don't give up hope yet, at least not before you see this promo where Sawyer announces that he's seen Kate in the jungle. Lots of good Skate angst is coming, I promise.
Anche se Evi è un po' confusionaria,direi che possiamo sintetizzare così:se pensate che la turbulenta storia d'amore tropicale di Kate e Sawyer sia finita,vi sbagliate di grosso.Ci sarà una sorta di reunion-chiaramente nn si sa cm però si suppone che sarà bella e intensa,semplice all'apparenza ma complicata dati diversi fattori.
Inoltre Evi parla di Josh,dicendo che poverino,per 5 episodi,è dovuto stare scalzo.
1 commento:
Vestita cosi non mi piace proprio..non le dona affatto
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